Monday, May 19, 2014

An Understanding Intellectual Property Law

Farjami Law Firm

Intellectual property is nothing, but the law that governs rights in inventions and other creative works. The common types under this category are trademark, copyright and patents.

Farjami Law Firm

Copyright: This is the branch that gives the creator of an original work with the exclusive right to it. This type extends to most art, dramatic and literary forms. It is not indefinite and it will last for a limited period in favor of the creator. This period generally differs on the basis of the work and it can be some period between 25 years from the publication and 70 years at the maximum from the date of death of the creator. Generally, this type of right comes automatically to the creator and there is no registration requirement to have copyright protection
Patent: Generally, patent represents a series of rights given by the national government and it provides exclusive protection to the holder from exploitation rights. So, the owner of the patent rights has complete right over his invention and for registering the same, Farjami LLP, which is a law firm specialized in intellectual property right can help him. Here, it should be remembered that everything cannot be patented and for identifying whether his invention can be patented, the creator can get in touch with Farjami Law Firm. The right can be obtained only for tangible and physical objects. There are local patent-granting authorities in each country, but there are also worldwide patent-granting authorities as well like the International Patent Office and the European Patent Office. Generally, many countries accept the internationally granted patents. It is a specialized area and this is why professional help can guide the creator in this respect.

Farjami & Farjami LLP

Trademark: It is a distinctive indicator that is used by businesses for identifying themselves. It can be in the form of image, sign, logo or even a word or a phrase as well. For ensuring that a company can get extra protection, trademark should be registered. But, even if a business owner can still get significant protection if he does not register the trademark. This can be done by making the consumers familiar with the logo in such a way that they can easily identify the duplicates. This right will be of great use to businesses engaged in the manufacture of some unique goods. So, you can get in touch with the Farjami LLP and this Farjami law firm can help you in protecting your business to a great extent.

Farjami & Farjami LLP has focused on providing superior quality and responsiveness to its clients. Also it has protected its client’s intellectual property in nearly every major market of the world. To know more about Farjami Law Firm, visit us.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Some Helpful Ways To Protect Your Intellectual Property

Farjami LLP

There are times when some creative ideas get into our minds and sometimes we also feel that the idea will be useful to others when shared. There are chances that sometimes your idea can be a key to beginning a business venture. But, if you feel that it should remain innovative and no one should steal it, this is the time to protect it with the help of law. This is where Intellectual property gets into the picture. It is actually a legal concept about the things created by human minds for which exclusive protection and rights can be obtained.

File for protection: When it comes to filing of your idea, there will be different options in front of your eyes and they are patent, trademark or copyright. A patent for something that is discovered by you, does not grant the right to import, sell or use it. But, others are excluded from doing so. A trademark can be simply a word, a name or a symbol that is indicated as a means of differentiating your product from that of others. On the other hand, copyright is that which offers protection to the creator or author of the original work. If you are confused as to how to protect your creation and under which of these three categories, professional lawyers working for Farjami & Farjami LLP can help you out.

Get a lawyer: If you are confused as to whether seeking the help of a lawyer is essential in this respect, it is better to remember that only an expert lawyer or a law firm like Farjami Law Firm, who are specialized in intellectual property (IP) laws can protect your creations from any form of infringements.